Hypno-Counting On-Demand CEU Workshop for therapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists


On-Demand: Discrete Trauma Treatment: Hypno-Counting with Memory Reconsolidation - 7 CEUs

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  • CE Hours Included: 7 Core (please see below for details).
  • Format: On-Demand Webinar (“Asynchronous”) ~ At your leisure to be viewed at your own pace. You may pause, rewind, and fast forward at any point during the videos. You are in complete control of how you view this workshop. It also comes with a PowerPoint and references. There is a quiz at the end to ensure viewing and required by all CE approval organizations.
  • Investment: $165 (provides lifetime access!)
    • To pay with PayPal, ACH transfer, or CashApp, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 404-913-2005. Otherwise, click below on "Enroll Now!"
  • Presented by: Becky Beaton-York, Ph.D., NBCCH-Fellow (see bio below)
  • Target Audience: Counselors, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Psychotherapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
  • Instruction Level: Intermediate
  • *This workshop can be taken in place of Hypnotherapy Level 1 for the Hypnotherapy Certification Course*

Educational Objectives:

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Discuss the difference between Discrete and Complex Trauma.
  • Describe the cutting-edge research on memory reconsolidation and explain why strategies that incorporate counting work well to help individuals process discrete trauma fairly rapidly and without retraumatization.
  • Compare memory reconsolidation with the new research by Dr. Michelle Crask of UCLA on inhibitory learning.
  • Identify the importance of helping clients learn that discrete trauma has a beginning, a middle, and an end and how to utilize hypno-counting to update the client’s brain that their discrete trauma is over.
  • Utilize the latest research on the importance of engaging the emotional brain and somatic experience to facilitate new learning and how hypno-counting is a perfectly suited intervention to do just this.
  • Explain, demonstrate, and practice hypnotic induction as well as Hypno-Counting with Memory Reconsolidation in Zoom breakout rooms.

Workshop Description:

We now know from brain research that every time we retrieve a memory it becomes reconsolidated within five to six hours after retrieval. Research regarding memory consolidation tells us that the time period is a perfect time to “update” a memory, and there are several strategies to do this in the most effective way possible to create “new learning.” Therapists have this amazing window to help clients reconsolidate painful memories in such a way that this process can truly alleviate the effect that trauma has on our psyches in a very concise and humane way. The model that Dr. Beaton-York has created takes the best from several different areas of study that have been well-researched:

  • Brain and memory research regarding the reconsolidation process.
  • Learning theory, particularly Michelle Craske’s new research on inhibitory learning.
  • Utilizing the emotional brain and sensory experience via hypnotherapy to increase experiential learning.
  • Counting to help the client develop a timeline with a beginning, a middle, and an end (with particular emphasis on the end), while also activating the “Observer Self” to stay attuned to the therapist’s voice and be in the present while just briefly looking at the past to prevent retraumatization.
  • Paying attention to messages from the body to process the trauma on a somatic level.
  • Employing cognitive reframing strategies and positive attachment to safe individuals in order to clean up any old beliefs and reinforce the client is not alone in this process before completing the sequence.

Combining these strategies helps the client update their brain to truly assimilate the trauma is over and to process and reframe the experience without causing retraumatization. As described above, Dr. Beaton-York developed her own Hypnotherapy Certification Course in 2008 after teaching for another organization around the globe since 1997. She later took a training in the use of counting & recall as a means to facilitate guided trauma processing which is supported by outcome research. Dr. Beaton also looked at the process of how memory reconsolidation works for dealing with trauma. She then decided to combine these cutting-edge methods with hypnotherapy, somatic theory, attachment theory, and cognitive restructuring to achieve maximum benefit from the various models, and she began teaching it in her Hypnotherapy Certification Courses. She noticed that students were able to master the technique quickly and clients were achieving amazing results, and she has continued to refine the technique over the past five years. Additionally, she is currently conducting an outcome study with a large southeastern university and multiple researchers. Participants will learn how to induce a simple trance and employ this variation of counting, as well as how to set up the entire process according to the research around memory reconsolidation, attachment, and cognitive reframing to maximize results.

*Please note that the content of this workshop is included in the Hypnotherapy Certification Program*

Presented by: Becky Beaton-York Ph.D., NBCCH-Fellow

Dr. Beaton-York is a Licensed Psychologist and the Founder and Director of The Knowledge Tree with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is a National Board Certified Fellow in Clinical Hypnotherapy (NBCCH-Fellow) through the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists (NBCCH). Dr. Beaton-York earned her Fellowship (the highest level of certification) with NBCCH for her extensive years of training and experience in hypnotherapy. She has taught hundreds of workshops on hypnotherapy and trauma both nationally and internationally. However, for many years Dr. Beaton-York exclusively taught hypnotherapy certification courses to mental health professionals all over the United States, Mexico, and South Africa. She later created her own NBCCH approved hypnotherapy certification training in 2008. She developed Hypno-Counting with Memory Reconsolidation technique in 2015, combining several well-researched approaches, and she’s excited to be teaching this to all mental health clinicians as opposed to just the individuals taking her Certification Course. She has seen how powerful this technique is and how easy it is to learn, so she wants more therapists to be utilizing it. From a teaching perspective, Dr. Beaton-York is known for her unusual combination of being extremely knowledgeable & scientific yet down-to-earth & easy to understand, while also being playful and humorous. Not only will you learn a ton, you’ll have fun doing so. LPCA of Georgia has awarded her with both the Counselor Educator of the Year Award in 2005 as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.

What People Are Saying About Dr. Beaton-York's Hypno-Counting Workshop:

  • "Becky has done it again: She has created another stellar workshop that is filled with the latest knowledge about the subject and clearly explains and demonstrates a technique. - R.S.
  • "Becky, thanks for putting so much of YOU into this most helpful presentation! Wonderful material and a day at the beach. What a combo!" - S.T.
  • "I loved this course! The day flew by. It was extremely good content and well presented (per usual, I love Becky's authentic and bright affect). It was especially engaging to hear Becky's personal history with hypno." - C.V.
  • "Unbelievably well presented: Natural, easy, flowing style of presenting the material." - P.B., Ph.D.

7 "Asynchronous" Core CEs Included - Details by License Type Below:

  • COUNSELORS: The Knowledge Tree has been approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP), ACEP No. 7153. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Knowledge Tree is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. For more detailed information regarding CE approvals, please click here.
    • Counselors Licensed in Canada: This workshop is approved for 7 credit hours through the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), event code: 64955927.
  • SOCIAL WORKERS: This workshop is approved for 7 core CE hours through the Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work (GSCSW), approval #082022. If you are licensed in another state or country, please click here for more detailed information.
  • MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPISTS: This workshop is approved for 7 core CE hours through the Georgia Association for Marriage & Family Therapy (GAMFT), approval #134-2022. If you are licensed in another state or country, please click here for more detailed information.

To view our various workshop policies, including our multi-workshop discount & refund policy, please click here.

We are an approved vendor for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for easy reimbursement of educational expenses for VA employees.

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